On this page you can purchase selected self study classes for $50 per class.  When you buy a self study class, the lectures will appear directly in your library, under the "Self Study classes" heading.  Self Study classes do not have the forums.  You will not have any access to the course instructor for questions or feedback.  Please note there are not refunds on self study classes so please review all the information provided carefully before purchasing.

You will have access to these materials in your library for one year from the date of enrollment.   You can keep your library pass current by enrolling in at least one course or workshop a year.  Alternatively, you can purchase a library pass for $25 per year for as long as you wish to have access to prior class materials. 

Subject Categories:


FE101: Relationship Building Through Play

For some people - and dogs - play comes naturally. But did you know that good play is more than simply WANTING to interact with your dog? Good play requires the ability to eng...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

FE110: Raising a Performance Puppy

  There is nothing as exciting, or as terrifying, as starting training with a new puppy.  If you have high hopes that this pup will be your next performance partner...

Deborah Jones (Faculty)

FE115: Baby Genius

Raising a puppy is the lucky job we get to enjoy only once in a while! The time goes so quickly, and when the time is up the opportunity to play the baby games with the clean ...

Julie Daniels (Faculty)

FE140: Engagement

The question we ask the dog will always be the same: Do you care enough about what we do together to ask for interaction? Because engagement is easily turned to work, we can ...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

FE250: Life Skills - Real Life Skills for Performance Dogs

Do you struggle to balance high energy, high intensity behaviors in your sport with calm behavior in every day life? If so, this class may be for you.  This class will c...

Hannah Branigan (Faculty)

FE260: I’m just little! Foundation skills for smaller competition dogs

  In general, training is training and it simply does not matter if a dog is tiny or super sized. But in a world full of big feet, tall people, and large hands, there ar...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

FE430: From Start to Finished!

  If you think competition dog sports looks interesting but you’re overwhelmed at what it might take to get “from here to there” then this is the class for you! The lec...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)


BH200: Dog as a Second Language

  Dogs are constantly communicating with us and each other. They make requests and they tell us when they don't know what is expected of them. They communicate stress in...

Donna Hill (Faculty)



EL140: Mindset Training for Dog Sports

Ask any competitor, from any sport and they will tell you: the difference between good competitors and great competitors is mindset. When it comes down to it, all the technica...

Megan Foster (Faculty)

EW100: Reducing Overarousal and Reactivity via the Circle Method of Leash Walking

This self-study option is a series of three recorded webinars that work together.  There are no written lectures. Recorded Webinar 1 - The Fenzi Method: Cutting Cor...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

FE160: It's All Tricks!

  In our opinion, dog training really is "all tricks."  There's no distinction between "serious" work and "fun" work.  It's all fun if you're doing it right! &...

Deborah Jones (Faculty)

FE310: Training with Remote Reinforcement

  Training with Remote Reinforcement Remote reinforcement devices (such as a Treat & Train, Manners Minder, or Pet Tutor) can offer some unique advantages to your t...

Deborah Jones (Faculty)

FE395: The Art of Training: Developing Confidence and Flow

  Science has done much to bring our training techniques for companion animals out of the dark ages. Scientists greatly expanded our knowledge of humane and effective tr...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

FE410: Stir Crazy - Games for Small Spaces & Indoors

     Does your dog drive you bananas on those indoor winter days? Do you have a small space that just doesn't seem big enough to occupy your dog? Then join us as...

Donna Hill (Faculty)

FE700: The Cat's Meow

Cats!  We love our cats, but rarely try to train them.  There's a pervasive myth that cats cannot be trained, but of course, they can.  This myth is likely due,...

Deborah Jones (Faculty)


     Body, Health & Fitness   


FF190: All About Nails

  You asked for it; you got it!  By popular demand we are now offering a husbandry class strictly focused on feet and nails.  Of all the grooming procedures that...

Deborah Jones (Faculty)

FE238: Structure and Movement

  What's in there anyway? Little wheels? Why is one dog graceful and another one clumsy? What's a fiddle front and why should you care? Will that puppy grow out of those...

Sue Ailsby (Faculty)

CC250: Conditioning and Concerns for the TriPod dog

From the moment I first fostered a three-legged dog, I quickly realized how special and how wonderful these dogs are.  While they're full of drive and determination, ther...

Debbie (Gross) Torraca (Faculty)



AG230: The Tipping Point: Contacts and Teeters

  This course will take you through the steps from start to finish to create the teeter performance you have always wanted through a series of fun games.  We will a...

Barbara Currier (Faculty)

AG240: Foundation Weaves - Love Them and Flaunt Them

  The goal of this course is for your dog to be able to weave 12 consecutive poles with confidence, accuracy, and joy. It is a good course for newcomers, for retraining ...

Julie Daniels (Faculty)

AG250: Foundation See Saw

The regulation see-saw is a complex obstacle, with several elements of difficulty in play at once. Even dogs with agility titles are often tolerating the see-saw but not lovin...

Julie Daniels (Faculty)

AG460: Making It Easy - 12 Commonly Used OMD Inspired Techniques

  This course will teach you how to speak the dog’s language and make you a more fluid team in your communication.  This course will break down the 12 most commonly...

Barbara Currier (Faculty)


   Nosework & Tracking 

NW210: Box Smashers Anonymous - Retraining

  Does your dog look like this? And you wish your dog looked like this? THAT is what this class is about! First do you know WHY your dog box smashes?  We wil...

Stacy Barnett (Faculty)

NW600: Introduction to AKC Scent Work

  If you’re already addicted to Nosework and can’t stand the thought of a new opportunity passing you by…welcome to the new AKC Scent Work program! This class will get ...

Stacy Barnett (Faculty)

NW620: Introduction to Handler Discrimination Scent Work

Want to learn a new aspect of scent detection sport training? In both UKC and the upcoming AKC program, there is a Handler Discrimination class where the handler's s...

Julie Symons (Faculty)

NW640: Advanced Handler Discrimination Scent Work Skills

Get ready to trial in the new AKC Handler Discrimination Scent Work division!! This class will cover the advanced skills needed to trial at Advanced, Excellent and Master AKC ...

Julie Symons (Faculty)

NW700: Lead by a Nose: The Art of Nosework Instruction

  This class is designed with written assignments and thought provoking questions that students will use to discuss how to PLAN AND RUN a successful in person Nosework c...

Stacy Barnett (Faculty)

NW900: Nosework - Reading Your Dog Webinar Series

This self-study option is a series of three recorded webinars that work together.  There are no written lectures.   Recorded Webinar 1 - Reading Your Dog Seri...

Stacy Barnett (Faculty)

SH101: Introduction to IPO Tracking

This course introduces the team (handler and dog) to the basics of footstep tracking.  "Footstep tracking" refers to the style of tracking where the dog must show where e...

Shade Whitesel (Faculty)

SH201: IPO Tracking - Skillbuilding

 In Introduction to IPO Tracking, we taught the dogs how to follow the precise footsteps. Now, on to the fun part, following those footsteps to the articles! This course ...

Shade Whitesel (Faculty)


   Obedience & Rally 

OB170: Bridging the Gap - Reducing Reinforcers, Proofing and Generalization

Does the thought of training without a cookie in your pocket make you nervous? Are you happy with the quality of your work, but have no idea how to prepare for the rigors of c...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

OB200: Precision Heeling

  Many dogs lack precise heeling because they have no foundation – they do not understand how to use their bodies with accuracy, and their trainers don’t know how to fix...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

OB260: Advanced Confidence Building for the Obedience and Rally Ring

  This course adds additional people, dogs, challenges and more complex exercises to the ones introduced in the Ring Confidence Course. Each of these exercises is desig...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

OB300: Heeling Games

  Lack of motivation in heeling is one of the prime reasons that people give up on the sports of obedience and rally. Rather than seeing heeling as a dynamic, intense in...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

OB310: Ob-ility

  Ob-ility is a fast paced and exciting way to teach advanced obedience exercises to dogs that like to move!  In this class, we will introduce the basic ob-ility cu...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

OB330: Obedience Games

If you like to think of training as a game, then this is the class for you! If you have a busy schedule and are always on the go and finding your obedience training tak...

Julie Symons (Faculty)

OB400: Advanced Heeling and Problem Solving

  This course picks up where Precision Heeling and Heeling Games leaves off. Here's a video to give you a sense of the class: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgOHlQ...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

OB465: Shaping a Flashy and Confident Heel - Putting the Skills Together

This class is the 3rd in a series of 3.  We've taught the foundations, both moving and stationary, and now is the time to put them all together to create the full picture...

Shade Whitesel (Faculty)

OB570: Fantastic Fronts and Finishes

  Fronts and finishes are found in every level of obedience and rally, and the points really start adding up!  This class is intended for both students teaching fr...

Hannah Branigan (Faculty)

OB590: Stand With Me

  This course will focus on all things related to the stand behavior!!! We will look at teaching a stand, and getting ready for an exam whether that's in obedience, confor...

Laura Waudby (Faculty)

OB700: Shaped Precision Heeling: No props, no lures and no editing!

  28 days of shaped precision heeling! This class is completely unique from anything Denise has done before.   Instead of laying out skills and lectures to...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

OB900: Learn to Heel: Precision Heeling Workshop Series

This purchase includes two previously run workshops.  You will receive access to both the original presentation recording and the student feedback recording for both work...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

RA150: Rally Signs: Novice Through Excellent

This self study course contains all of the Novice/Level One signs from AKC, ASCA, UKC, and WCRL Rally.  It also contains all of the Advanced and Excellent signs from AKC ...

Nicole Wiebusch (Faculty)

SH310: IPO Obedience - Sit Down Stand out of Motions

  SPECIAL NOTE: This course will concentrate on the sit/down and stand out of motion exercises in IPO 1-3. We will spend time on each position, exploring how to get flu...

Shade Whitesel (Faculty)

SH340: IPO Obedience: Sendout and Down Stay

  This class covers how to get fast speedy full-field sendouts, plus how to get a quick down out of that full run away from you. Then we change tactics and cover how to ...

Shade Whitesel (Faculty)


   Other Sports / Misc.

FE770: Business End of the Dog: Marketing for Pet Professionals

Do you run your own pet-related business? If you’re a dog trainer, groomer, or another pet professional with your own business and you struggle with marketing your business, t...

Melissa Breau (Faculty)

DS230: Conformation Skillbuilding 1

"Conformation classes" usually involve a lot of walking around in circles, stopping, and showing your dog's teeth to somebody. That's fine as far as it goes, but what about al...

Sue Ailsby (Faculty)

DS240: Conformation Skillbuilding 2

"Conformation classes" usually involve a lot of walking around in circles, stopping, and showing your dog's teeth to somebody. That's fine as far as it goes, but what about al...

Sue Ailsby (Faculty)



Also, Check Out Our Pet Dog Training Presentations on Demand! 

Picture Link to Pet Dog Training Presentations Purchase Page

Self-Study Foreign Language Options

These self study class lectures for classes below have been translated into another language.   Note that english is the language used for video demonstrations.   It is recommended students view the sample lecture prior to purchase to view the class format to see if it is suitable for their understanding.

Selbststudium: Aus dem Englischen übersetzte Kurse

Sämtliche in diesem Selbststudiums-Kurs enthaltenen Kapitel und Texte wurden aus dem Englischen übersetzt. Die Demo-Videos sind allerdings ausschließlich in englischer Sprache verfügbar. Wir empfehlen, vor dem Kauf eines Kurses das entsprechende Beispielkapitel zu lesen, um sicherzugehen, dass sich das Kursformat für Sie eignet.

SS900: Relationship Building Through Play - German Language

  Titel des englischen Originals: Relationship Building Through Play Manche Menschen - und Hunde - bringen ein natürliches Talent zum gemeinsamen Spiel mit. Aber wusste...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)