Course Details
This self-study option is a series of three recorded webinars that work together. There are no written lectures.
Recorded Webinar 1 - The Fenzi Method: Cutting Corners to Loose Leash Walking
Is your dog is a chronic leash puller? If leash walking is a misery then this webinar is for you! The Fenzi “cutting corners” method can work even for dogs where other approaches have failed. It requires no food, no highly controlled environments, and allows for reasonably inexperienced handlers. This method is equally suited to a young puppy on dog directed socialization outings as it is for strong adult dogs with years of practice pulling on walks. And the best part? It works fast and without compulsive techniques by reducing frustration in both the puller and the pullee! If you are tired of being dragged around or a trainer who simply wants more options for helping your clients, then join Denise and hear what she has to say about an entirely new approach!
Watch this short trailer:
Recorded Webinar 2 - Circle Method for Basic Reactivity and Over Arousal
This webinar is intended to provide advice, interventions, and skills for individuals working with reactive or overexcited dogs. “The circle method of Loose Leash Walking” will be used to help the behavior and emotional state of reactive and over-aroused dogs by allowing them to adjust to their environment, reconnect with their handlers, and become more emotionally comfortable in the presence of specific triggers. The method can be used regardless of food interest and does not require elaborate set-ups. The information presented will build upon the circle method of loose leash walking, and will assume knowledge of that material. This webinar assumes professional or amateur trainers who can assimilate the information with a preexisting working knowledge of dog behavior, reactivity and over-aroused behavior.
Watch this short trailer:
Recorded Webinar 3 - Circle Method: Advanced Techniques for Reactivity, Over-Arousal, and Problem Solving
This webinar is intended to expand upon the webinars: "The Fenzi Method: Cutting Corners to Loose Leash Walking!” and“Reactivity and Over-arousal: Advanced Applications of Denise Fenzi’s Circle Method:”. This webinar will provide additional advice, interventions, and problem solving strategies for individuals working with reactive or overexcited dogs who are struggling, even after application of the basic techniques presented in the prior webinars. This method is designed to allow dogs to adjust to their environment, reconnect with their handlers, and become more emotionally comfortable in the presence of specific triggers. The method can be used with dogs who are not interested in food when in public, does not require elaborate set-ups, and can also be used as a management technique to get out of uncomfortable situations. This webinar assumes professional or amateur trainers who can assimilate the information with a preexisting working knowledge of dog behavior, reactivity and over-aroused behavior.
Watch this short trailer:

Denise Fenzi (she/her) has competed in a wide range of dog sports – titling dogs in obedience (AKC and UKC), tracking (AKC and schutzhund), schutzhund (USA), mondioring (MRSA), herding (AKC), conformation (AKC), and agility (AKC). She is best known for her flashy and precise ... (Click here for full bio and to view Denise's upcoming courses)