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Webinars will run approximately 1-2 hours including presentation and questions.
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For one week FDSA will list webinars previously recorded (including Q&A) by Kim Brophey.  Kim has been working hard as a volunteer during this time to support her mountain community in the recovery from the destruction incurred from Hurricane Helene.  Purchase of these webinars will support Kim's business while she continues her volunteer efforts. FDSA will also be donating their full portion of proceeds to Western North Carolina relief efforts.   

ON DEMAND: Kim Brophey - Ethological Contributions to Behavior Problems in Dogs (Part 1)

Fee: $19.95 USD

Ethically and effectively working cases as a canine behavior professional requires us to perform both initial and ongoing comprehensive analysis of all contributing elements to a dog’s behavior. Participants will be introduced to Kim Brophey’s widely celebrated and endorsed L.E.G.S.® system of Applied Ethology as a simple and practical framework for doing so – bridging multiple scientific disciplines and delivering new depths of understanding by organizing the critical components of all animal behavior. Learn how to identify, understand, and integrate the full scope of potential factors influencing behavior – Learned, Environmental, Genetic, and unique internal conditions of the individual animal’s own Self – in order to prevent misunderstandings and incorrect assessment of cases, obstacles to the progress of behavior modification, inadequate safety and management provisions, and even life-threatening circumstances for both animals and people.

Note: Webinar recording including Q&A will be available in your account immediately after purchasing. This webinar is available On Demand, which means there will be no live Q&A. FDSA's portion of the proceeds will go to recovery efforts in WNC, where Kim lives.

* Click here to Register Now *

ON DEMAND: Kim Brophey - Ethological Contributions to Behavior Problems in Dogs (Part 2)

Fee: $19.95 USD

The second part of this session will take a deep dive into the ten genetic working groups of dogs, exploring their original historical purpose and the resulting selective forces on behavior for specialized perceptions and responses in various conditions. We will examine how many of the erroneously labeled “behavior problems” commonly observed in pet dogs are the natural consequence of the friction created by modern conditions - the preservation of genetic keys (niches) that no longer fit the environmental locks (habitats) in which they find themselves. Through a greater understanding of the behaviors for which the various working groups were designed, we will appreciate how readily these artificially selected patterns manifest problematically in the average pet dog lifestyle, and how paramount certain adjustments to our expectations and common practices of stewardship need to be in our profession and culture.

Note: Webinar recording including Q&A will be available in your account immediately after purchasing. This webinar is available On Demand, which means there will be no live Q&A. FDSA's portion of the proceeds will go to recovery efforts in WNC, where Kim lives.

* Click here to Register Now

Regular Scheduled Webinars

Bobbie Bhambree - A Framework to Help Build & Maintain Resilience: The Resilience Rainbow

Click here to view guest instructor bio

Date: Thursday, October 24th, 2024
Time: 3pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time). 
Fee: $19.95 USD

Resilience is an individual’s ability to recover from and resist the negative effects of stress. Understanding the physiological and behavioral bases for higher levels of resilience can help animal Resilience is an individual’s ability to recover from and resist the negative effects of stress. We will explore this topic through the lens of neurobiology.

Whether a professional in the behavior field or a competitor of dog sports, we must consider resilience when creating training programs or addressing behavior issues. Most dogs around the world no longer live quietly by the fireside, roaming open spaces, without restrictions; and as society continues to change, our cities get busier and our lives more hectic, it's not only humans that benefit greatly from an ability to adjust and adapt.

Eliminating all stress in life is impossible and is never the goal of training. Instead, the goal is to help a learner acquire the skills which enable them to process stressful experiences and grow more resilient from them. The Resilience Rainbow represents seven domains around which an individualized training plan can be created that will support the dog’s development and help them build resilience. What interventions and exercises are most effective in building resilience? How do they help, and how can you implement them? What does a Resilience Conditioning training plan based around the Resilience Rainbow look like? What are the advantages of this approach?

Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, Bobbie Bhambree, will share evidence-based approaches to assessing and building a dog's ability to adapt, adjust, and recover. This will be an opportunity to look at an important topic in behavior through a multidisciplinary lens. Whether you are an animal trainer, veterinary professional, animal behaviorist, animal enthusiast, or someone interested in dog sports, there will be something here for you.

* Click here to Register Now

Irith Bloom - Food: The Best Thing Ever… Or Is It?

Date: Thursday, October 24th, 2024
Time: 6pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time). 
Fee: $19.95 USD

We’re all about positive reinforcement here at FDSA. Most of us use food a lot of the time. That’s great – and we want you to keep doing it! With that said, food doesn’t always get us the results we want. For one thing, some animals get so overexcited around food that they can’t think straight. Some even take matters into their own hands (paws/hooves/etc.) and try to get the food when you haven’t offered it yet! On the flip side, some animals run away as soon as you pull out treats. And then there are the animals that refuse to work if there is no food around. All of this can make food feel like a mixed blessing at best.

In this webinar, Irith Bloom will explore the use of food in training. She’ll offer suggestions for troubleshooting common issues that come up when we use food. She’ll delve into when, where, and how best to deliver food. Special attention will be paid to situations involving fear, anxiety, and over-excitement. She’ll also talk about when we might want to avoid food, and how to fade food out of our training.

Whether you are a training novice or have years of experience under your belt, this webinar will help you re-examine and fine-tune your use of food. Come join us!

* Click here to Register Now

ON DEMAND: Kim Brophey - Ethological Contributions to Behavior Problems in Dogs (Part 1)

Fee: $19.95 USD

Ethically and effectively working cases as a canine behavior professional requires us to perform both initial and ongoing comprehensive analysis of all contributing elements to a dog’s behavior. Participants will be introduced to Kim Brophey’s widely celebrated and endorsed L.E.G.S.® system of Applied Ethology as a simple and practical framework for doing so – bridging multiple scientific disciplines and delivering new depths of understanding by organizing the critical components of all animal behavior. Learn how to identify, understand, and integrate the full scope of potential factors influencing behavior – Learned, Environmental, Genetic, and unique internal conditions of the individual animal’s own Self – in order to prevent misunderstandings and incorrect assessment of cases, obstacles to the progress of behavior modification, inadequate safety and management provisions, and even life-threatening circumstances for both animals and people.

Note: Webinar recording will be available in your account immediately after purchasing. This webinar is available On Demand, which means there will be no live Q&A. FDSA's portion of the proceeds will go to recovery efforts in WNC, where Kim lives.

* Click here to Register Now

ON DEMAND: Kim Brophey - Ethological Contributions to Behavior Problems in Dogs (Part 2)

Fee: $19.95 USD

The second part of this session will take a deep dive into the ten genetic working groups of dogs, exploring their original historical purpose and the resulting selective forces on behavior for specialized perceptions and responses in various conditions. We will examine how many of the erroneously labeled “behavior problems” commonly observed in pet dogs are the natural consequence of the friction created by modern conditions - the preservation of genetic keys (niches) that no longer fit the environmental locks (habitats) in which they find themselves. Through a greater understanding of the behaviors for which the various working groups were designed, we will appreciate how readily these artificially selected patterns manifest problematically in the average pet dog lifestyle, and how paramount certain adjustments to our expectations and common practices of stewardship need to be in our profession and culture.

Note: Webinar recording will be available in your account immediately after purchasing. This webinar is available On Demand, which means there will be no live Q&A. FDSA's portion of the proceeds will go to recovery efforts in WNC, where Kim lives.

* Click here to Register Now

Jessica Perry Hekman, DVM, PhD - Anxiety: The Whole Story

Date: Thursday, October 31st, 2024
Time: 3pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time). 
Fee: $19.95 USD

So you have a shy dog - one who's easily frightened of strange people or places, or maybe even one who sits at home IMAGINING what horrible thing might happen next. Is this because of genetics? Or did you mess up somehow? Jessica will talk about the biology behind anxiety: the roles of genetics, early environment (as early as in mom's uterus!), and socialization.

Spoiler alert: you didn't mess up.

But this talk will help you understand better where your dog is coming from and help you think through the many different puzzle pieces that made her who she is.

Note: This webinar is back due to popular demand. Please check your webinar library before purchasing.

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Jennifer Summerfield, DVM - Anxiety Disorders in Dogs: Why Do They Happen, and How Can We Help?

Date: Thursday, October 31st, 2024
Time: 6pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time). 
Fee: $19.95 USD

If you’ve ever lived with an anxious dog, you know that understanding and managing this problem can be a challenge! Fortunately, there’s a lot we can do to help these pups once a diagnosis is made. There are also some concrete actions we can take BEFORE getting a dog, or after bringing home a new puppy, to help prevent anxiety problems from arising in the first place.

In this webinar, we’ll talk about the following topics:

  • Deconstructing labels: What is “anxiety”, anyway? How is it different from a fear response or phobia?
  • Risk factors for the development of anxiety disorders
  • Clinical approach to treatment, including behavior modification and drug therapy options

Note: This webinar is back due to popular demand. Please check your webinar library before purchasing.

* Click here to Register Now

Deb Jones, PhD - The 10 Minute Training Session: 6 Skill Sets to Teach From Your Couch

Date: Thursday, November 7th, 2024
Time: 3pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time). 
Fee: $19.95 USD

Don’t have enough time to train your dog?

Don’t have enough space to get in a good training session?

Does your dog need more physical & mental activity than he’s currently getting?

Do you have issues with physical movement and flexibility?

Is the weather too lousy to get your dog out for some much needed activity?

This webinar can help! Join Deb as she discusses how “couch training” can be a huge boost to your work with your dog and to your dog’s well-being. As a self-proclaimed lazy trainer Deb has designed a number of training exercises that can work both the bodies and brains of her activity loving dogs while she sits on the sofa. Even the highest energy dog can be satisfied (at least temporarily!) with 10 minutes of focused mental & physical activity. Expect to get lots of ideas that can apply to you, and your dog's specific needs.

The skill sets that Deb will discuss and demonstrate include:

  • Focus
  • Impulse control
  • Distance work
  • Chin rest
  • Retrieves
  • Just for fun!

* Click here to Register Now

Kim Palermo - I CU Coming! Using Control Unleashed to Enhance Your Recall

Date: Thursday, November 7th, 2024
Time: 6pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time). 
Fee: $19.95 USD

There are many benefits to Control Unleashed skills, but a well kept secret is just how powerful CU can be with teaching or improving your dog’s recall. Gain the benefit of patterns and predictability to build on your dog’s recall skills. Kim will discuss three CU skills that will build on your dog’s recall, as well as how the popular Look At That game may be all you need. She’ll also demonstrate how our dogs can be empowered to create their own recall patterns. And finally, she’ll discuss small changes that you can make in your reinforcement strategies to make your patterns even more powerful. Kim is an avid hiker and builds off-leash skills from the very beginning with each of her dogs and will be bringing her experience of the power of CU to you!

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