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Julie Flanery - Leash Off! Game On!

Date: Thursday, July 25th, 2024
Time: 3pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time). 
Fee: $19.95 USD

Do you worry each time you take the leash off that your dog will become distracted, or even take off on their own? Has taking off the leash become a cue to disconnect? Imagine if instead when you remove your dog's leash they sprung to life! That they became immediately engaged, focused, and excited to play the game with you.

In this webinar, we will explore games and activities that help build off-leash reliability and connection with your 4-legged friend and to build a strong skill set that you can carry into any situation. These games are suitable for any age dog or skill level, whether you're looking to rehab a dog that currently disconnects or build a strong foundation with a future canine sports star.

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Barbara Lloyd - That was Then, This is NOW: Cognitive Adaptability

Date: Thursday, July 25th, 2024
Time: 6pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time). 
Fee: $19.95 USD

Join us for this groundbreaking webinar with Barbara Lloyd, where we will explore the fascinating world of Cognitive Adaptability.

Successful learners are those who can look, assess, adapt, and act effectively. Adaptability is a core survival skill, and Barbara has cracked the code to achieve more impactful results in training and life.

Why Attend?

  • Discover how cognitive adaptability influences learning and performance.
  • Learn practical strategies to enhance adaptability in yourself and your dog.
  • Understand the role of environmental cues in building confidence and resilience.
  • Gain insights into optimizing skill execution through cognitive flexibility.

Who Should Attend?

  • Dog trainers and enthusiasts
  • Pet owners seeking to improve their dogs’ adaptability
  • Anyone interested in personal growth and resilience

Key Topics:

  • The Science of Adaptability:
  • Uncover the secrets behind cognitive adaptability.
  • Explore how it impacts learning and behavior.
  • Environmental Cues and Confidence:
  • Learn how dogs adapt to novel situations.
  • Understand the link between adaptability and confidence.

Practical Strategies:

  • Barbara will share actionable tips for enhancing adaptability.
  • Discover how to apply these principles in your own life and training.

Don’t Miss Out! Your dog deserves the best – let’s explore the power of cognitive adaptability together!

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Denise Fenzi - Developing a Confident Team: Re-Defining Leadership for Dog Sports and Life

Date: Thursday, August 1st, 2024
Time: 3pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time). 
Fee: $19.95 USD

Are you a leader? Leaders know when to provide a “sure path” to success for their dogs and do not allow them to flounder in uncertainty or emotional distress. Leaders are engaged with their dog’s well being; sincerely praising good choices and intervening quickly when bad choices are highly likely! Developing your skills of leadership will improve your training, carry over into competition, and gives your dog direction in the face of emotional distress. Leadership will give your dog confidence in you, which in turn allows them to develop confidence in themselves. Best of all, you can learn to be a leader!

This webinar will give you concrete advice for developing your leadership skills.

Note: This webinar is back by popular demand. Please check your webinar library before purchasing.

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Bronagh Daly - Control Unleashed for the Ringside: Agility Ringside Skills

Date: Thursday, August 1st, 2024
Time: 6pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time). 
Fee: $19.95 USD

Does your dog get amped up while waiting their turn? Stressed? Frustrated? Do they have trouble focusing before entering the ring or are they focused on something else like the dog running before them or the hustle and bustle around them?

Ringside skills can be paramount for your team's overall agility performance and they're very often overlooked. They may not be quite as fun to work on as handling or obstacle training, but they're just as important! Waiting itself can be really challenging and even make no sense to a lot of dogs. So waiting their turn at a trial, class, or seminar can be extremely challenging with the added feelings-inducing commotion around them.

This webinar will focus on the skills you need to help make the excitement and chaos of the waiting area feel more predicable and approachable. Utilizing exercises from Control Unleashed, you will leave this webinar with an actionable plan help your team walk from the waiting area to the gate of the ring with a level head.

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Caden Cristopher - Radius Training: The Invisible Long Line

Date: Thursday, August 8th, 2024
Time: 3pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time). 
Fee: $19.95 USD

Imagine you are comfortable with your dog anywhere between 0 and 50 feet from you when you’re out in public - but no further than that. You want your dog to know this, and choose to stay within a 50-foot radius around you even if you don't "make" them stay close by micromanaging them with a long line or constantly calling them back.

Radius training teaches your dog the concept of where they can be in relation to you. A dog who understands their radius well will move around you freely, but stay aware of where you are. They will check in and keep an eye on you. They will slow down when they are ahead of you and about to overstep, or speed up when they are behind you. They will change directions with you, and at the same time enjoy a lot of freedom to sniff and run within the radius. It’s like an invisible long line.

The concept of the radius is useful for both walking and hiking off leash, and on a long line without pulling. In the latter case, the line becomes a safety feature like a seatbelt rather than the reason that keeps your dog from running off. What keeps your dog from running off is the concept of the radius, just like what keeps you from getting into a car accident isn’t the seatbelt - it is your awareness of your car in space. Staying on the road rather than driving off a cliff is a skill that eventually runs on autopilot for experienced drivers. The same goes for your dog staying in their radius.

Join Caden in this webinar to learn how to teach your dog this useful concept, and make your off-leash or long line adventures stress-free and enjoyable for both you and your dog!

Note: This webinar is back by popular demand. Please check your webinar library before purchasing.

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Nicole Wiebusch - 5 Games to Teach Your Dog to Stay Connected

Date: Thursday, August 8th, 2024
Time: 6pm Pacific Time (Click here for time at FDSA (Pacific Time). 
Fee: $19.95 USD

Do you struggle to get your dog to pay attention to you? Is your dog really distracted during training or trials? Do you sometimes wonder how you can build attention and connection between you and your dog?

Dogs disconnect from their handlers for lots of reasons, and it’s a very frustrating problem to have! Thankfully, there are things that you can do to help prevent your dog from disconnecting!

In this webinar you’ll learn 5 simple games to teach your dog how to stay connected to you during training sessions. These games will cover some of the more common reasons that your dog disconnects and will improve your training, reduce frustration for all parties, and increase your odds of success in trial situations!

Teach these games early, listen to your dog, systematically increase criteria and distractions, and you’ll have a willing engaged partner during training sessions!

Note: This webinar is back by popular demand. Please check your webinar library before purchasing.

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