Course Details
This class is the 3rd in a series of 3. We've taught the foundations, both moving and stationary, and now is the time to put them all together to create the full picture! We'll be teaching turns, figure 8s, halts with many more skills. In order to be a gold student in this class, you must have the "picture" of moving heeling that you are satisfied with, or instructor approval.
The first 2 heeling classes are offered once per year as active classes with Shade.
Check out the syllabus for the actual skills and the pre req section for skills and classes you and your dog should have coming into class.
Here is my girl Bayles showing her first sits while halting!
Teaching Approach
This is a skills class. Written lectures are released one at a time, 3-5 times a week. They consist of written instruction, steps to teach the skill, and video examples of each skill. Videos are short and contain no voice over instruction. This class relies heavily on skills taught in the prior two classes, those relevant classes/lectures will be referenced if needed. Since this is the 3rd in a series, many of the gold students are on their own track, and at different levels, though most will be following the syllabus. Healing requires motion and some speed on the handler's part, though adjustments can always be made to fit the individual team.

Shade Whitesel (she/her) has been training and competing in dog sports since she was a kid. Always interested in how dogs learn, she has successfully competed in IPO/schutzhund, AKC obedience and French Ring. Her retired dog, Reiki vom Aegis, IPO 3, FH 1, French Ring 1, CDX, was 5th at the...(Click here for full bio and to view Shade's upcoming courses)