E226: Ryan Cartlidge - "Overcoming the Us vs. Them Mindset in Dog Training"

In this episode, Ryan and I talk about the idea of overcoming differences in mindset and training, having difficult conversations, and building better relationships for it!  

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2368 Hits

E225: Jessica Hekman, PhD - "Where will the good dogs come from?"

The state of the rescue world and the breeding fancy have changed significantly in the last 50 years... Dr. Hekman and I chat about what those changes are, and what they mean for pet and sports dogs in the future.  

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2956 Hits

E224: Nancy Tucker - Redefining Your Walks with Your Dog

Nancy shares how she's redefining the way we all think of our walks with our dogs... and why it matters 

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E223: Kathy Sdao - "Living a LIMA Life"

In this episode Kathy and I talk about the "LIMA Being" project, and the key to a really good cue.  

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5952 Hits

E222: Julie Symons - "Getting into Nosework"

Julie and I chat about some of the key questions nosework newbies need to know, and what it takes to prep for competition — plus, how and where to look for novel search environments! 

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2587 Hits

E221: Nancy Gagliardi Little - "What it takes to learn agility"

Learning agility and having the skills to be able to learn agility well are two separate things! In this cast, Nancy and I talk about the critical but often overlooked skills dogs need to be able to learn and compete in agility. 

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2254 Hits

E220: Amy Johnson - "Ready to Shoot the Dog?"

Amy and I talk about what it takes to get great photos of our canine companions — we cover tips for photographer and subject alike! 

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E219: Loretta Mohler - "You're LATE — Again!" Timing on the Agility Course

If you're getting tired of hearing from your agility coach that your cues were late AGAIN, Loretta and I talk about why we end up late and what we can do about it in this week's cast.

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2107 Hits

E218: Stacy Barnett - Capabilities of a Successful Nosework Dog

Stacy recently designed a new working model to visually represent the various capabilities successful nosework dogs need — and on today's podcast we chat about the pieces, and how they help you get trial ready.

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2255 Hits

E217: Amy Cook - Living and Loving a Reactive Dog

Dr. Amy Cook and I go deep in this episode on management vs. training, her approach to treating reactivity, and what to do while you work on it.

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5407 Hits

E216: Julie Flanery, Michele Pouliot and Dante Camacho talk Musical Freestyle

For this week's show, I brought on 3 freestyle stars to talk about the sport, what got them hooked, and how they approach training.

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3670 Hits

E215: Alexis Devine - "Teaching Bunny to Talk"

Known as "Whataboutbunny" on Instagram, Alexis has taught her dog Bunny to talk using talking buttons. Bunny has learned over 70 words, including concepts like "you" and "human."

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E214: Barbara Lloyd - Going to the Dog Park

Dog parks can be a wee bit controversial — Barbara and I talk about how to keep things as safe as possible, why many trainers don't like them, and the key pieces you should train if you plan to use them. 

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3434 Hits

E213: Sarah Stremming - "Shaping Demystified"

Shaping is all about the ABCs... and Sarah and I go into what that means in today's episode all about shaping!

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E212: Laura Waudby - "Debuting in Obedience"

Starting to think about obedience competition? Laura and I talk about the aspects of competing folks tend to overlook in training, and how to truly prep for heading into the ring!

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2015 Hits

E211: Sara Brueske - "Disc Dog Life"

You've seen the flashy performances disc dogs put on — this week Sara and I talk about the training behind the show, and what the options are for getting your own dog started!

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2291 Hits

E210: Heather, Nicole, and Chrissi - "Living With a Dog Athlete"

Life skills are easy to overlook with a potential competition dog — but investing the time and energy to get those things right can benefit your sports training, and the rest of your life with your dog.

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1944 Hits

E209: Erin Lynes - "Pulling and Diving Dogs"

Today I talked with breeder and trainer Erin Lynes about dog sledding and dock diving, and what it's like to train and compete in them as sports!

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1883 Hits

E208: Denise Fenzi - "The High Drive Dog"

Denise has a new project... and that means some changes for FDSA and some exciting plans for the future. We got on a call to talk about it.

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4415 Hits

E207: Amy, Nancy, and Megan - "Does Size Matter (in a sports dog)?"

Today we chat about the little vs big debate when it comes to sports dogs with 3 trainers who have trained and worked with both and who offer their insights into the differences, pros and cons.

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3014 Hits