E214: Barbara Lloyd - Going to the Dog Park

Dog parks can be a wee bit controversial — Barbara and I talk about how to keep things as safe as possible, why many trainers don't like them, and the key pieces you should train if you plan to use them. 

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E213: Sarah Stremming - "Shaping Demystified"

Shaping is all about the ABCs... and Sarah and I go into what that means in today's episode all about shaping!

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E212: Laura Waudby - "Debuting in Obedience"

Starting to think about obedience competition? Laura and I talk about the aspects of competing folks tend to overlook in training, and how to truly prep for heading into the ring!

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2140 Hits

E211: Sara Brueske - "Disc Dog Life"

You've seen the flashy performances disc dogs put on — this week Sara and I talk about the training behind the show, and what the options are for getting your own dog started!

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2417 Hits

E210: Heather, Nicole, and Chrissi - "Living With a Dog Athlete"

Life skills are easy to overlook with a potential competition dog — but investing the time and energy to get those things right can benefit your sports training, and the rest of your life with your dog.

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2046 Hits

E209: Erin Lynes - "Pulling and Diving Dogs"

Today I talked with breeder and trainer Erin Lynes about dog sledding and dock diving, and what it's like to train and compete in them as sports!

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1980 Hits

E208: Denise Fenzi - "The High Drive Dog"

Denise has a new project... and that means some changes for FDSA and some exciting plans for the future. We got on a call to talk about it.

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E207: Amy, Nancy, and Megan - "Does Size Matter (in a sports dog)?"

Today we chat about the little vs big debate when it comes to sports dogs with 3 trainers who have trained and worked with both and who offer their insights into the differences, pros and cons.

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3153 Hits

E206: Sharon Carroll - "Talking About B-Mod"

Dealing with a behavior you'd really like to change? From leash reactivity to noise sensitivity, Sharon and I talk about it in this week's episode of the podcast.

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E204: Julie Daniels - Starting Puppies Out Right

Pandemic puppies abound! Join Julie and I for a conversation about creating optimistic puppies, ready for anything the world is gonna bring.

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E203: Shade Whitesel - "Strike a Pose: Teaching Positions"

Clean, confident positions look deceptively simple — but a lot goes into teaching them in a way that will hold up in the ring! Shade and I chat about that and more in today's podcast episode.

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2182 Hits

E202: Petra Ford -"Optimal States of Arousal for Training and Competition"

Arousal matters... in today's episode I talk to Petra Ford about how to find that perfect balance, where your dog is in the right state to train or compete at their best.

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5001 Hits

E201: Nicole Wiebusch - "Beyond the Backyard"

It can be frustrating when we've worked hard on a behavior, just to have it fall apart in a new location or in the face of distractions — so this week Nicole and I talk about what it takes to teach those skills too!

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4566 Hits

E200: Emelie and Eva from Carpe Momentum on Transitions in Training

Swedish duo Eva and Emelie join me to share their story, talk about TAGteach and discuss transitions in training.

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E199: Dante Camacho - Functional Training

International trainer, competitor, and presenter Dante Camacho joined me to talk about introducing clicker training to Brazil, adjusting your training to the dog you have, and to share his story. 

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3159 Hits

E198: 2020 in Review at FDSA

The last year has been... eventful. Denise and Teri join me to chat about some of the changes at FDSA and some of the exciting things yet to come.  

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2549 Hits

E197: Petra Ford - "The Making of a National Obedience Champion"

Petra joins me to chat about her recent first place at the National Obedience Championship and what it takes to get to the top.

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2954 Hits

E196: Dr. Jennifer Summerfield - Is that Normal (or Not)?

Dr. Jen and I talk about how to tell whether a behavior is problematic or outright abnormal, plus what some of the options are for working on problem behaviors, including medication, management, and more.

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3627 Hits

E195: Julie Symons, Stacy Barnett, & Melissa Chandler - The New Nosework TEAM Titling Program

On Dec. 8th FDSA will launch a brand new Nosework titling program as part of the TEAM titling options! Today we have Melissa, Julie, and Stacy on to talk about the program and what you can expect!

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E194: Sharon Carroll - Fear, anxiety, or something else?

Sharon Carroll comes back on the podcast to talk about what we know about the psychological issues possible in dogs — and some of what we can do about them.

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