Course Details
Class Description: What is consent, as it pertains to dog training? How do we teach our clients to both value consent, and fully embrace that there will be some no-choice moments for their dogs? Being very clear about which is which leads to more stable lives for pet dogs. Giving them choice makes them happy (we all like choice) and being clear about when they don’t have a choice avoids unnecessary conflict between dog and owner. Teach your clients to see consent, to give consent, and when to withhold consent, all leading to more peaceful and balanced lives between humans and dogs.
Class Syllabus
Recognizing “yes” and “no” from pet dogs
Simple choice moments that can enhance dogs’ lives
Handling no-choice moments with grace
The importance of never revoking consent once given
Consent in training: what does it look like?
Consent in life: specific examples
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Sarah (she/her) has been working with dogs in the realms of performance training and behavior solutions for over a decade. She currently operates online through her business, The Cognitive Canine. Her special area of interest has long been helping dog owners address behavioral concerns...(Click here for full bio and to view Sarah's upcoming courses)