By Nancy Gagliardi Little on Wednesday, 21 November 2018
Category: Obedience

3 Steps To Solve Your Dog Training Problem

So, you have a training problem….

You are training your dog for obedience or agility competition and a problem erupts. How do you go about solving it?

Let's say you have been training your dog in obedience and all the Open exercises have been progressing smoothly. But now your dog has started to miss the drop cue on the drop on recall exercise. Or you have a dog competing in agility at the Open level. He had good performances in Novice. But recently your dog has been missing weave entries, after having nice weaves in Novice and in practice. How do you go about solving these problems?

The best approach is to follow a circular 3 step process: Evaluate, Plan, Train. 

Step 1: Evaluate the Training Problem 

This is the most important step in the process of problem solving. It is also a step that is commonly skipped or overlooked. You cannot solve a training problem if you don't understand what the underlying issue is.

Don't get in a habit of saying "my dog can't [weave/drop] in public" or "he knows how to [weave/drop]." Those statements will prevent you from diagnosing and ultimately solving the problem.

It's important to videotape all your training sessions and performances so you have access to data for review. If you don't have videotaped sessions or performances, make that part of your routine. You will become a much better trainer when you review your videos.

Watch your dog in the video. Don't focus only on the mistake — also look at your dog's behavior before the mistake. Is there any confusion or stress in his expression? Is your dog focused? Is your dog slower or faster than normal? How quickly does your dog respond to the cue? What behavior – if any – happens when the cue is given?

Watch your handling. Is your handling supporting the performance? Are you helping or attempting to control your dog's behavior? Is there extra prompting from you that might be confusing the dog? Is there confusion between this cue and another cue? Where are you looking? Are you connected with your dog?

Is there an issue with the environment? Distance? Distraction? Obstacle or ring setup?

Step 2: Create a Training Plan 

Once you have evaluated both you and your dog's performances, you will need to create a training plan to address the one or more areas that need training.

If you have handling issues, plan how you will address those separately from the dog training.

Break your dog training plan down into very small pieces of training so that your focus is on individual behaviors that require change. Set up the training plan based on your evaluation. Do not over complicate the training plan by adding more complexity before or after the specific behavior you are addressing.

Determine where you will train, when you will train, how you will set up the environment, and what reinforcement strategy you will use.

Step 3: Train Your Dog 

If you are changing your handling, work on that without your dog. Even though it might feel strange, it's important to videotape the training of you, too. Your handling will improve dramatically when you work without your dog. Do not add the dog until you feel confident about your handling change.

When you train your dog, keep your sessions short. Depending on the age and experience of the dog, the total time to train in a session should be anywhere from 2-5 minutes. And that includes time between repetitions and any play or reinforcements you incorporate into that session! Set a timer if you tend to go longer than planned.


After each training session, repeat the previous steps: Evaluate, Plan, Train until you have a well-trained and generalized behavior.

If your training was done at home or in one location, you will want to go to different places or add different setups or sequencing to the training. As you add more distractions or sequencing, keep your dog's confidence high by changing no more than one thing. Start simple and build on success as you change the setup.

In Summary: From Training Problem to Training Plan

When you follow these steps, your training mechanics and your eye for detail will improve. Spend most of your time evaluating and planning your training. That will make your training more efficient and will ultimately solve any current or future training problem. You will become your own training coach and you will avoid many potential performance problems as you make this a part of your routine.

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